Thursday, June 7, 2007

Things that make you go...huh??

Dead mayor's face in tree
Can they sell this on e-bay?

• Donald Stephens was mayor of Rosemont, Illinois, for half a century
• He died two months ago
• Some residents say they see his image in bark of tree he fought to save
• Others say it looks like Jesus

Martha Stewart should revolt
Who actually thought Paris Hilton would remain in jail?...anyone?

On Thursday, three days into a 23-day jail stint, Paris Hilton was fitted with an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet and released to the comforts of her 2,700-square-foot Hollywood Hills home due to a mysterious and unspecified medical condition. Although Hilton spent only three days in jail, she was credited for five because she checked in late Sunday and left early Thursday.

Obesity expert...(definition: anorexic, anal retentive)
People should learn how/where to channel their energy more efficiently:

MeMe Roth of the National Action Against Obesity tells The Scoop that there have been “hate posts calling for my death” ever since she went on Fox TV and said that Sparks is overweight. “When I look at Jordin I see diabetes, I see heart disease, I see high cholesterol,” Roth said. “That’s what’s so sad about this — she is not the vision of health — she is the vision of ‘unhealth.’” “Her extra weight is a reflection of today’s society and a culture where many of our children have compromised health due to unhealthful food choices and inactivity ... We have to stop with the ‘baby fat,’ ‘curvy,’ ‘goddess’ euphemisms and own this child health crisis.”

A Full Tank of Hypocrisy
No explanation's the government...

The governmnet is now trying to sell the idea that high gas prices is global warming's best friend. People drive less, thus less emissions. What they fail to recognize is that the public will buy more expensive fuel efficient cars...and drive more.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

and there you are

Sometimes it's just a few words that turns everything around. You can feel it wash over you. You want to step back just one minute to where all was good. Then you're left to deal with what has changed, and what will never be the same again. It's a simple flip that points you in a direction that is not only unfamiliar, but amazingly unexpected. You have been dropped into a reality that's not your own, yet unmistakably is at the same time. Now what?

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

here I am...again

I've been here before, but for a variety of reasons, I didn't come back. In the meantime, I have been blogging incessantly on Myspace. Apparently I have the need to write, spew, and/or rant. Perhaps a little of all of these will do.

So, I have returned. Of course, I can't guarantee that I will remain, but I am optimistic that I have enough to say. Whether anyone stops to read or least I know... my thoughts words...are out in the light.

With this I start again. I am looking forward to how this will evolve...or not