Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

Twittering Tweepies

still thinking about this twitter thing...i love it...i hate curiously drawn to's visible in my tabs when i'm's even on this blog...checking to see what so and so is doing i really all that curious about what ashton kutcher is looking at...apparently so...i've succumbed to social networking...actually this is just a recent addition...myspace and facebook have been a staple for some time...i question myself...will i be looking back at this in a few months, years, lifetimes..and saying 'what the *&%# was i thinking?!?'...most likely i'll move on the next best thing...maybe we'll figure out how to network telepathically...really..what could be more instantaneously gratifying?...and without having to figure out what to say in 140 characters!...ooops...gotta go...steve buscemi just insulted martha stewart again..twitter showdown...i'm so excited...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Butch Walker at the Stone Pony 3/20/09

transferred from my Facebook profile with some minor tweaking:

Some things never change…and sometimes that’s a good thing…for years Butch has raised the bar for live shows…and Friday night at the Stone Pony was no exception…the one factor that keeps me in awe is his stamina…coming from someone who’s ‘older than dirt’…I certainly can attest to his sheer drive and motivation…it's all heart...where most of us would be listing after a few hours of standing…the set list was as expected…going from a solo acoustic set to full blown band in just a few songs…he must have trusted the crowd to start off with ‘Atlanta’…the same crowd that seemed to puzzle him with their somewhat subdued temperament…maybe it was my sensing what he picked up on with his accurate 'crowd radar'...hard to tell because of the angle I was on...but it was confirmed as he called us on it…always a brilliant crowd manipulator, he easily got us right where he wanted …rockin' like this was the last time ...yet…after seeing him perform for so many years …I knew something was was 'missing'… no masterful storytelling last night...the verbal intimacy was the thing that was missing...or maybe i was the one who was missing it...mostly one song after another…and the occasional…”are you having a good time” the end it didn't spoken words could attest for the crowd's spot-on comprehension of the silent cues…the turn of the microphone toward the fans…the appropriately timed requisite handclapping …and the mostly on-tune chorus…all done exactly as Butch would expect from his long-time fans…he knows his crowd…and that’s one of the things I believe we all love about him…seeing Butch onstage is like going home…it’s Butch’s ‘fan family’…it’s a mutual respect scenario…speaking of...the crowd was indeed mostly respectful…no obnoxious metalheads…a lot of ‘shush-ing’ when a slow song was played…and of course there was the occasional “I love you Butch” with the standard “I love you more’ back from the man himself…we were treated to a surprise guest appearance by Neptune NJ’s own Nicole Atkins…she sang Elton John’s ‘Tiny Dancer’ with Butch… (I do believe Butch will be producing her next album) was a pleasant change to have “Hot Girls…” as the ‘Butch in the Crowd’ song…though from my vantage point (which was directly at the walk up to the stage by the sound guy) Butch literally disappeared into the sea of fans…Canyons ended the show…and again, the crowd immediately broke into the two part round that we’ve all been “trained” to do by choral director Butch…and as he slowly brought it down to a hush.. he bid us goodnight and goodbye…yes, indeed, New Jersey certainly does love their Butch Walker.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Twitter...i'm not sure about this..."everyone" is doing it...even the President...i'm still confused as to why you would put all your non-essential daily transactions into a 140 word synopsis...i've spent more time trying to narrow down what i want to say than actually doing what i had to say...seems a bit frivolous...and a waste of time...yes, i do agree it's a novelty...and at times a bit contagious...still it feels like it's just the filler until the next big everything os everyone, everwhere knows is that a good thing?

Sunday, February 15, 2009

the intricacies of now

I recently read an e-mail that was sent to me by people who are involved with quantum life changes. There is a tremendous truth in the words. The reality and wisdom of the words is something we all can immediately understand. Why we don't remember, or at the very least, try to follow these words of wisdom, is a philosophy that seems to elude me. Here is what I'm talking about:

The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it. You become addicted to thinking, feeling and living the old story of the past and future which robs you of the incredible NOW. You never experience the present or connection with Inner-Being which is that state of pure love.

When you look at other people and their lives, and judge them as being good or bad, positive or negative, or condemn their thinking and actions, you create those thoughts and perceptions in your own reality. Whatever or whoever you judge, you become. Those thoughts create an emotion within you and a feeling which is realized in every cell in your body. When you judge, you victimize yourself because you, not they, experience the effects of your judgments. When you condemn another for something, you are only condemning aspects of yourself seen within them. That is why those qualities in another are so easy for you to identify. That is why your attention is drawn to those aspects.

So what does all of this mean? When you expect others to do as you do, think as you think and behave how you believe they should, you are trying to control the actions of others so that you can feel better to fill a void inside of you. It is always about you. It is your choice how you feel. When your happiness is dependant upon the actions of others, you will find yourself constantly trying to control circumstances so that you can be okay.

The phrase, ‘You cannot truly love another until you love yourself’ are not empty words. It is a basic truth. Love comes from within and reflects outward into the hearts and minds of those around you. It magnetizes those into your life who experience the same. That is universal law.

Friday, February 6, 2009


it's very painful to watch someone close to you deal with the reality of a situation that they have dealt with all their lives...the worst part is not being able to truly matter how hard i try...i wish i knew how to handle this in a better fear is that i will say the wrong thing...and unintentionally affect someone's destiny...i need some guidance and enlightenment at this time...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Butch Walker on Ellen Degeneres

Crank up the DVR's, Butch Walker will be appearing (with P!nk as guest vocalist) on the Tuesday, Feb 3 ELLEN show. Yep...Butch will be performing his new single "Here Comes the..." with P!nk reprisng her backing vocals from the same song on "Sycamore Meadows"...been waiting years to hear Butch's music on the radio...on TV is not too shabby...been a long time coming.