Friday, April 3, 2009

Twittering Tweepies

still thinking about this twitter thing...i love it...i hate curiously drawn to's visible in my tabs when i'm's even on this blog...checking to see what so and so is doing i really all that curious about what ashton kutcher is looking at...apparently so...i've succumbed to social networking...actually this is just a recent addition...myspace and facebook have been a staple for some time...i question myself...will i be looking back at this in a few months, years, lifetimes..and saying 'what the *&%# was i thinking?!?'...most likely i'll move on the next best thing...maybe we'll figure out how to network telepathically...really..what could be more instantaneously gratifying?...and without having to figure out what to say in 140 characters!...ooops...gotta go...steve buscemi just insulted martha stewart again..twitter showdown...i'm so excited...

1 comment:

sami*stardust said...

you crack me up, girl! do you have the tweetdeck thing? wondering if it's worth my time to install it. i said on myspace...i am still wondering what made us all so self absorbed that we think we have to keep people informed of our every move...and that they should care. i think we really are forgetting how to get out there and live our lives!!

and? i'm still a bit confused as to who is "real" on there or not. the gerry butler thing is still up in the air. INSISTS it's not him...and apparently there's a big argument on tweetdeck about it now. i have my own feelings, but i'll share 'em later......