Thursday, January 29, 2009

Butch Walker on Ellen Degeneres

Crank up the DVR's, Butch Walker will be appearing (with P!nk as guest vocalist) on the Tuesday, Feb 3 ELLEN show. Yep...Butch will be performing his new single "Here Comes the..." with P!nk reprisng her backing vocals from the same song on "Sycamore Meadows"...been waiting years to hear Butch's music on the radio...on TV is not too shabby...been a long time coming.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

a "what the?" rant

we've all heard the reasons why the economy is where it is today...but i gotta tell ya..i absolutely resent the fact that there is a generalization floating around regarding the "collective failure"...that somehow we all had a part in pulling the rug out from under the greedy mess we're in...I don't live on credit...I pay my mortgage and bills...I've never defaulted on any loan...nor do I have a 50 million dollar private jet...a $1400 garbage pail...a million dollar office..or $250,000 bathroom...I'm not accepting the blame for the unmitigated greed that has poisoned so many...when is enough, enough?...and why aren't people so pissed off to the point of revolution...what the flip has happened to everyone?...we've become a bunch of doormats...they've been saying that the landscape by June will be unrecognizable..with all the stores, and God knows what else going out of anyone else pissed off or at least scared about what this all means??

Saturday, January 24, 2009

25 Things

From Facebook:

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. goes:

1. I'm in search of answers...the whys, the reasons, the how comes,...I need to know.
2. Though not a musician in any sense of the word, I have an affinity with music...absolutely the universal language ( maybe Math might be).
3. I've been a Graphic Designer, and ran an in-house Graphics Dept for a national bank.
4. I used to paint and it feels tedious...though sometimes I feel Ive lost my destiny because I haven't followed through...yet.
5. I wish I could be less fearful of learning new computer programs to develop websites...and i'm really hard on myself about my website and its limitations...though I do what I can to make make it aesthetically pleasing and accurate
6. I have a BA in Art, and a a 2 year certificate in Graphic Design...for a grand total of 195 credits.
7. I have a need for organization...a trait...not a
8. As a follow-up to the above...I have no respect for incompetence.
9. As time passes I am becoming increasingly more aware of the injustices in this world.
10.I always put my family first...especially being a parent.
11.I'm an official dog lover.
12.I shop online for everything.
13.Sometimes I would love to live in Manhattan, and at other times I would be happier to live at the shore.
14.During my lifetime I have seen much of Rock's royalty.
15.I have never used drugs and seldom drink alcohol (no need)
16.Favorite food: sushi/sashimi
17.Dislikes: Sunflowers, large domed buildings (they scare the crap out of me...yeah I know...i need
18.I grew up in the Bronx, NY...and have the 'New Yawk' accent to prove it
19.I love anything to do with space...the universe...and all its awe-inspiring grandeur.
20.I went to Catholic School for 8 years...which definitely left its scars...though I have great penmanship
21.I almost always wear black...with the occassional red accent birthstone.
23.Don't Think I'll ever get used to 'Hazy, Hot and Humid'
24.I should travel more
25.I'm still learning

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Go See

I've blogged about this before (not here)...and today everyone has the opportunity to see this marvelous film, since it opens in wide release. This is no ordinary's a part historical , eye opening, reality experience. Brilliantly directed, you as spectator, become an eyewitness to what most of us could hardly perceive....but should definitely know about. This film and it's subject matter will remain with you for a long time to come. It is certainly deserving of it's 10 Oscar nominations.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inaugural Destiny

"And yet what separates Lincoln from the other great men has to do with something else. It's an issue of character that speaks to us, of moral resolve. Lincoln was not a perfect man, nor a perfect president....And yet despite these imperfections, despite his fallibility...indeed, perhaps because of a painful self-awareness of his own failings, etched in every crease of his face and reflected in those haunted eyes...because of this essential humanity of his, when it came time to confront the greatest moral challenge this nation has ever faced, Lincoln did not flinch....It serves us then to reflect on whether that element of Lincoln's character, and the American character - that aspect which makes tough choices, and speaks the truth when least convenient, and acts while still admitting doubt - remains with us today...At a time when image all too often trumps substance, when our politics all too often feeds rather than bridges division, when the prospects of a poor youth rising out of poverty seem of no consequence to the powerful, and when we evoke our common God to condemn those who do not think as we do, rather than to seek God's mercy for our own lack of understanding - at such a time it is helpful to remember this man who was the real thing....And as that man called once upon the better angels of our nature, so is he calling still, across the ages, to summon some measure of that character, his character, in each of us, today." - Barack Obama

This speech was not given yesterday, though yesterday's speech certainly stirred many a soul. This was part of a speech given by now President Barack Obama in April of 2005, at the dedication of the Abraham Lincoln Library....realistically, it could have been his inaugural address...brilliantly and insightfully written...with words that still ring true and impact our world today. With this vision, I hope he carries us with this same dignity through the next 8 years.

Monday, January 19, 2009

can't help myself

blogging twice in one day...actually it's not a word blog...but a photo blog...since i've figured out how to hook up flickr with my blog here...loved this so much...i figured i'd put it up for all posterity to see...or ..then again...for maybe just the one or two of you who view this...

another year

seem i do this yearly...start off a blog...and more...though i continue to blog religiously on least there's something to look forward to with the Inauguration tomorrow...a sense of hope has filtered back into our lives...think we all need to see the light at the end of the tunnel...we need to make this world a better place...a place to share our lives together as the human race...not separate matter who we are...we will be the legacy for our children's children's children...