Saturday, January 24, 2009

25 Things

From Facebook:

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. goes:

1. I'm in search of answers...the whys, the reasons, the how comes,...I need to know.
2. Though not a musician in any sense of the word, I have an affinity with music...absolutely the universal language ( maybe Math might be).
3. I've been a Graphic Designer, and ran an in-house Graphics Dept for a national bank.
4. I used to paint and it feels tedious...though sometimes I feel Ive lost my destiny because I haven't followed through...yet.
5. I wish I could be less fearful of learning new computer programs to develop websites...and i'm really hard on myself about my website and its limitations...though I do what I can to make make it aesthetically pleasing and accurate
6. I have a BA in Art, and a a 2 year certificate in Graphic Design...for a grand total of 195 credits.
7. I have a need for organization...a trait...not a
8. As a follow-up to the above...I have no respect for incompetence.
9. As time passes I am becoming increasingly more aware of the injustices in this world.
10.I always put my family first...especially being a parent.
11.I'm an official dog lover.
12.I shop online for everything.
13.Sometimes I would love to live in Manhattan, and at other times I would be happier to live at the shore.
14.During my lifetime I have seen much of Rock's royalty.
15.I have never used drugs and seldom drink alcohol (no need)
16.Favorite food: sushi/sashimi
17.Dislikes: Sunflowers, large domed buildings (they scare the crap out of me...yeah I know...i need
18.I grew up in the Bronx, NY...and have the 'New Yawk' accent to prove it
19.I love anything to do with space...the universe...and all its awe-inspiring grandeur.
20.I went to Catholic School for 8 years...which definitely left its scars...though I have great penmanship
21.I almost always wear black...with the occassional red accent birthstone.
23.Don't Think I'll ever get used to 'Hazy, Hot and Humid'
24.I should travel more
25.I'm still learning


damagedroses said...

yup..thats you..always thinking..and hoping theres something out there greater than ourselves

sami*stardust said...

i'm still trying to find the quiet time to do this.

and i'm with ya on number 9....and i'm getting more angy by the day!