Tuesday, January 27, 2009

a "what the?" rant

we've all heard the reasons why the economy is where it is today...but i gotta tell ya..i absolutely resent the fact that there is a generalization floating around regarding the "collective failure"...that somehow we all had a part in pulling the rug out from under the greedy mess we're in...I don't live on credit...I pay my mortgage and bills...I've never defaulted on any loan...nor do I have a 50 million dollar private jet...a $1400 garbage pail...a million dollar office..or $250,000 bathroom...I'm not accepting the blame for the unmitigated greed that has poisoned so many...when is enough, enough?...and why aren't people so pissed off to the point of revolution...what the flip has happened to everyone?...we've become a bunch of doormats...they've been saying that the landscape by June will be unrecognizable..with all the stores, and God knows what else going out of business...is anyone else pissed off or at least scared about what this all means??

1 comment:

sami*stardust said...

amen sistah! the revolution is coming and this time it WILL be televised! and yeah...i'm scared outta my wits!