Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inaugural Destiny

"And yet what separates Lincoln from the other great men has to do with something else. It's an issue of character that speaks to us, of moral resolve. Lincoln was not a perfect man, nor a perfect president....And yet despite these imperfections, despite his fallibility...indeed, perhaps because of a painful self-awareness of his own failings, etched in every crease of his face and reflected in those haunted eyes...because of this essential humanity of his, when it came time to confront the greatest moral challenge this nation has ever faced, Lincoln did not flinch....It serves us then to reflect on whether that element of Lincoln's character, and the American character - that aspect which makes tough choices, and speaks the truth when least convenient, and acts while still admitting doubt - remains with us today...At a time when image all too often trumps substance, when our politics all too often feeds rather than bridges division, when the prospects of a poor youth rising out of poverty seem of no consequence to the powerful, and when we evoke our common God to condemn those who do not think as we do, rather than to seek God's mercy for our own lack of understanding - at such a time it is helpful to remember this man who was the real thing....And as that man called once upon the better angels of our nature, so is he calling still, across the ages, to summon some measure of that character, his character, in each of us, today." - Barack Obama

This speech was not given yesterday, though yesterday's speech certainly stirred many a soul. This was part of a speech given by now President Barack Obama in April of 2005, at the dedication of the Abraham Lincoln Library....realistically, it could have been his inaugural address...brilliantly and insightfully written...with words that still ring true and impact our world today. With this vision, I hope he carries us with this same dignity through the next 8 years.

1 comment:

sami*stardust said...

i am certainly praying for him and this administration. not sure we can be "fixed" in 8 years, but we can make a valiant start. again, comes down to "we the people!"