Friday, January 4, 2008

and the question is...

sometimes i think i'm just a wuss...might as well lay down and write "Doormat" across me....diplomacy morphs into something unrecognizable...i find myself making excuses... and not saying what is usually the truth...just to what??...make someone else feel better??...why do i have to be the "nice guy"?...what will happen if i just tell it like it is? difficult can it be to present circumstances in their true light?... i've perfected "white washing"... and worse, "white lies"... and to whose expense??

1 comment:

sami*stardust said...

hmmmm. i ask myself this question all the time, as i tend to do the same thing. or...with's more like i just say "nothing" because most of the time it's not worth the argument that would ensue. life's too short, you know. i think our karma must be glowing, actually....the way we try to keep the peace. blessed are they.....