Thursday, January 17, 2008

Swallow that pill...

the drug industry gets away with raping the consumers monetarily...and the health insurance companies have their back...there is a new "money saving" campaign directed at consumers who need to take medication on an on-going basis...the "brilliant" plan: have your doctor write a new prescription for twice the dosage and then split the tablets using their free little pill 'guillotine'....the only requirement for appropriately deemed medication: the pill has to have a score line to cut it...are they flippin insane?? ...playing on the people who most likely need the reduction in cost...dismissing the ramifications of improperly cutting the medication...what about all the old folks who need the money and the medication the most??..the ones who have visual problems...or the ones who will forget to cut the pill?? their assumption that we're all desperate and complete idiots??...maybe the folks in the board rooms of the insurance companies should take the pill splitter and cut their bonuses with it.

1 comment:

sami*stardust said...

you have no idea how much that pisses me off. don't get me started..............