Saturday, January 12, 2008

Music...from the inside out

Maybe some of you will get this...recently i found myself trying to define the term "vacant" that someone (who is a musician) used to describe their feeling about a specific young band (who will remain nameless at this time)...and it was something that flipped a switch in my head...first, understand that i'm no musician...i rely on years of listening experience...and impeccable taste (ok so humility is lacking when it comes to shoot this is not about's about what's missing...or maybe absorption is a better word...sucked in by the shoulder shrugging attitude today...things are ok...not great...the most for the least amount of effort...from the outside in...not the inside out...that's where the vacancy comes feels incomplete...the lack of conviction is very evident...and what's most that there is so much potential...but it falls short because it's "good enough"... what the?? something right...and the brilliance will come from the inside'll know and feel the difference

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