Wednesday, January 23, 2008

the sadness of it all

the world is reacting to the very sad news that Heath Ledger has is one of those disbelief moments when you can't wrap your mind around the information...what i find most striking, disturbing, yet not surprising is the news organizations treatment of the tragedy...calling in the "experts" to speculate what happened with the very little information that was given out...the NY newspapers' headlines all but decided what the cause of death was...before the medical examiner's office made a statement...and even when they do find out the cause...if it should be some kind of drug related incident...they will run with this in true tabloid feeding frenzy style ...taking the humanity out of the picture...not caring that this man has a young child who will have to deal with her father's death from this point on in her life...and even more astonishing....the headlines news about this unfortunate death is being drawn from statements from Harvey Levin of TMZ...has he flippin become the expert on everything??..maybe he'll run for president...apparently he's the go-to man who carries major clout...this whole thing makes me sort of ill...because of how misguided everything has's seedy, disrespectful, callous and powered by financial gain...and who's expense??

1 comment:

sami*stardust said...

this is all just heartbreaking, and especially the way the media is handling it. then KNOW how i feel about the media, so i won't get on a rant. i'll let you do it! :) rest in peace, dear heath.