Thursday, January 31, 2008

Think you know your sign?...think again

The graphic shows the precession of the equinoxes from 600 BC to 2600 AD. In 600 BC, the intersection of the ecliptic and celestial equator is in western Aries and marked by the Vernal Equinox. In the year 2007, the intersection is in Pisces

consider this: your zodiac sign corresponds to the position of the sun relative to constellations as they appeared over 2200 years ago...

the position of the Sun as it's perceived from the revolving Earth, passes through the constellations that formed the Zodiac - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Zodiac signs were originally determined by which constellation the Sun was "in" on the day you were born...

the Earth continually wobbles around its axis...this wobble—called precession—is caused by the gravitational attraction of the Moon on Earth's equatorial bulge...and guess what?...over the past two-and-a-half millennia the signs have slipped one-tenth—or almost one whole month—of the way around the sky to the west, relative to the stars beyond...

for instance, those born between March 21 and April 19 consider themselves to be Aries. Today, the Sun is no longer within the constellation of Aries during much of that period. From March 11 to April 18, the Sun is actually in the constellation of Pisces... (see image below)...say it ain't so...i'm a flippin fish!!...makes no sense...from the first sign to the last??...look in the dictionary for'll find my photo...that's how accurately the characteristics apply

Your "Real Sign"

the table below lists the dates when the Sun is actually within the astronomical constellations of the Zodiac, according to modern constellation boundaries and corrected for precession (these dates can vary a day from year to year).... you will most likely find that once precession is taken into account, your zodiac sign is different...

and if you were born between November 29 and December 17, your sign is actually one you never saw in the newspaper: you are an Ophiuchus... the eliptic passes through the constellation of Ophiuchus after Scorpius....

Capricorn - Jan 20 to Feb 16
Aquarius - Feb 16 to Mar 11
Pisces - Mar 11 to Apr 18
Aries - Apr 18 to May 13
Taurus - May 13 to Jun 21
Gemini - Jun 21 to Jul 20
Cancer - Jul 20 to Aug 10
Leo - Aug 10 to Sep 16
Virgo - Sep 16 to Oct 30
Libra - Oct 30 to Nov 23
Scorpius - Nov 23 to Nov 29
Ophiuchus - Nov 29 to Dec 17
Sagittarius - Dec 17 to Jan 20

this doesn't just affect the sun sign...everything gets bumped...the rising sign...all of it..too much to take totally screws up my chart... i'm sticking with the ancient's vision...securely back in "ram-hood"...the first sign...ARIES

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